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  • How does Chiropractic work?
    Chiropractic is the philosophy, science and art of locating and correcting spinal subluxations. Chiropractic focuses on treating the cause of the condition by treating the physical trauma. Improper position of the moving bones of the spine will interfere with this vital exchange by pinching or crushing nearby nerves and the tissues they control. Dr. Mike uses precise Chiropractic adjustments which are intended to improve mind-body communications. Health often returns with improved nervous system control of the body.
  • What is a Chiropractic adjustment?
    A Chiropractic adjustment is the art of using a specific force in a precise direction, applied to a joint that is subluxated, “locked up,” or not moving properly. The purpose of this natural procedure is to eliminate interference to the nervous system, improving spinal function and overall health. There are multiple techniques that our office will use to correct these misalignments. The technique is determined based on an individual patients needs.
  • How many adjustments will it take?
    The number of adjustments varies with each individual patient. If a patient is suffering from scoliosis, arthritis or has a severe past history of pain or another condition, it may take several weeks, months or even years to correct the issue.
  • Are all patients adjusted the same way?
    No. Dr. Mike evaluates each patient's unique spinal problem and tailors their care accordingly. Each adjustment builds on the one before and can change depending on how the spine reacts.
  • How much does Chiropractic cost?
    The cost of Chiropractic depends on a number of factors including the length of time you've experienced the issue and the amount time for correction needed. This will be determined by the exam and x-rays on your first visit. Based on your results, an individualized care plan will be designed that will include your insurance benefits or limitations. There are cash based care plans available for patients with limited or no insurance coverage.
  • Do you take insurance?
    Yes. Our office is in network with most major insurance companies including Medicare, Blue Cross & Blue Shield, Cigna, Aetna, United Healthcare and many others. Please call the office at (815) 223-0647 to verify your insurance coverage.
  • Do I need a referral from my physician or insurance company?
    If you have a PPO/POS/EPO then you do not need a referral. If you have an HMO policy, then you usually need a referral. Please call the office at (815) 223-0647 to verify your insurance coverage.
  • I've had back surgery, can I see a Chiropractor?"
    Yes, if a person has had back surgery, they can see a Chiropractor. Chiropractic care may help prevent repeated back surgeries by reducing misalignments and restrictions in the spine.
  • I'm pregnant. Can I still get adjusted?
    Pregnant mothers find that Chiropractic adjustments can reduce the time and labor of delivery, help control symptoms of nausea and relieve back, neck, hip or joint pain. Adjustments are adapted to each specific condition.
  • Can babies and kids get Chiropractic care?
    Chiropractic is one of the safest forms of children’s health care. Chiropractic care can benefit babies and children with colicky symptoms, constipation, allergies, asthma, ear infections, scoliosis, tonsilitis, growing pains and more.
Office Hours
Office Hours

Monday           8am - 12pm, 2 - 6pm
Tuesday          2 - 6pm
Wednesday     8am - 12pm, 2 - 6pm
Thursday         Closed
Friday              8am - 12pm, 2 - 5pm
Saturday         Closed
Sunday            Closed

Gergovich Family Chiropractic, Back Pain, Migraines, LaSalle IL Chiropractor, Car Accidents

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Gergovich Family Chiropractic
130 3rd Street
LaSalle, IL 61301
(815) 223-0647
© 2024. Gergovich Family Chiropractic

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